
Women Leadership: A Leader's Perspective

  • Aug 9th, 2017
Ms. Pallavi Tyagi, Asia Pacific Talent Acquisition
& Org Vibrancy Leader at DuPont

A look around at the Corporate world points to only 4 Women CEOs in top 100 companies in India (by turnover). Even at the global level, only 4.6% companies in Fortune 500 have Women CEOs. So, we decided to take up the concept of "Women Leadership" and request an Industry Veteran and an Academia expert every month, to share their mantras about the same for the young female MBA students.

In this series we interviewed Ms. Pallavi Tyagi, Asia Pacific Talent Acquisition & Org Vibrancy Leader at DuPont.

Career2NextOrbit: Why does the Corporate world see less number of women leaders (especially in Indian Context)?

Pallavi: It’s been a trend in India for women to either not work or take up jobs that allow the flexibility of timings to fulfill the household responsibilities, especially those related to their children. It is only a matter of a few decades now, that the work force will see more and more women entrants. With an increase in the recruitment of women employees for entry level jobs, we will eventually see many women leaders at the topmost rung of the corporate ladder.

Career2NextOrbit: What are a few attributes that have helped you make a mark in the Corporate World?

Pallavi: Being truly committed to work and the task at hand, constant willingness to try to raise the bar through the quality of my work. Having bosses and mentors who appreciated and encouraged what I brought to the table.  And, last but not least, having a very supportive spouse.

Career2NextOrbit: What are a few mistakes you have seen young women leaders make?

Pallavi: One needs to be balanced in one’s approach towards managing work life balance. It is never an “either or” situation. If one needs time for family, then an open discussion with the supervisors to work out a solution is necessary. Similarly, there are times when work demands from you, at that given time, one needs to pay attention to the same. Having an employer who is supportive of one's needs as they arise, is very critical.

Career2NextOrbit: ‎Do you think Indian B-Schools are sensitive to the task of creating women leaders?

Pallavi: The positive is that B- Schools and most other educational institutions do not discriminate between male and female students with respect to studies and future career opportunities.

Some areas that B schools could consider working on:

  • I think it's important for B- Schools to ensure when they select students for admission that they admit female students as well, to promote gender diversity.
  • B- Schools MBA core curriculum must incorporate courses on gender sensitization. This will help not only the B-Schools present environment but also in shaping men become better future managers.

Career2NextOrbit: What are a few things you would advise young female MBA students to work upon?


  • Firstly, be true to yourself and the work you do
  • Be confident and understand you are talented and as you add value to the organization with the work you do, it’s ok to speak up and get your worth
  •  Life does throw curve balls, make sure you marry a supportive spouse so you get a supportive environment at home as well, as you pursue your dreams

Career2NextOrbit: What are a few good practices you would like to share with B-Schools to promote women leadership?


  • We have a diversity & inclusion practice that we follow at DuPont globally and regionally
  •  Gender is definitely a focus area given all other being equal
  •  We look to enhance the gender diversity at our workforce while looking to provide a supportive work environment as that truly gives us an edge to compete in the marketplace


About Ms. Pallavi Tyagi: Ms. Pallavi is the Asia Pacific Talent Acquisition & Organization Vibrancy Leader at DuPont. She has over 20 years of experience in Human Resources and has worked across multiple geographies. She has a passion for developing and coaching young leaders and has a particular interest in driving diversity and inclusion.

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